British Science Week at Ambergate

Ambergate pupils took part in British Science Week, which took place during 5th to 14th March, although delayed due to lockdown. Pupils took part in activities looking at the diversity of insects and moths within our school environment.
In Lower School, Imps, Leamington, and Hampden classes went on separate bug hunts, using magnifying glasses and recording sheets to see what types of mini-beasts they could find on the school site. Trent Bridge and Ascot made express bug homes that they could take home to put in their gardens and Wembley and Oval made a bug hotel which now lives in the outdoor classroom. Over the following year they will all be investigating which bugs are going to take up residence in the hotel.
In Upper School we started our moth survey.
Each evening this week, we set up moth traps, (humane traps) that use a bright light to attract moths to the trap. In the morning each day a different class opened the trap to see whether we had managed to trap any moths. The moths were then released.
As the year goes on we hope to become experts at identifying the moths that we find on site and create our own Concise Guide to Moths of Ambergate, Grantham.
We would like to thank British Science Week 2021 Kick Start Grants, British Science Association for the grant we received to purchase our moth traps.