GANF is part of C.I.T Academies
01476 564 994 (Sandon)      01476 564 957 (Ambergate)


A C.I.T Academy school

Safeguarding within GANF

Who is responsible for the Safeguarding of Children?

It is everybody’s responsibility to be vigilant and listen to pupils when they are worried about safeguarding issues.
Within GANF, every member of staff receives Safeguarding training and all staff are made aware of the Safeguarding and Pastoral team.

To contact Lucy Burgess please call: 07900 808472

To contact Daley Barber-Allen please call 01476 564994 or 01476 564957

To contact Fiona Light please call: 07860 504032

To contact Kathryn Betts please call: 07795 408024

To contact Kate White or Jessica Newcombe please call: 01476 564994

To contact Rachael Bennett please call: 01476 564957

Our Safeguarding Governor is Pauline Brownlow, please contact her via the clerk:

In the event of any of the above being unavailable, please contact CIT Safeguarding Lead Becky Jackson on 07810 357306, Designated Safeguarding Trustee, Dr Julia Lindley-Baker 03300 585 5200 or via the clerk:

To access our Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy please click here

Please scroll to the foot of this page for useful links.

The School Will Ensure:
•Children’s welfare is paramount to all practice
•That all staff read and adhere to the Child Protection policy and Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024
•That all concerns raised are dealt with sensitively, effectively and promptly following the correct procedures 
•The whole school receive annual Safeguarding Training
•That Safer Recruitment practices, which provide for appropriate checks are in place and adhered to
•The designated person liaises regularly with the Headteacher.

How Safeguarding is included in the curriculum:
GANF promotes safety within our pupils by giving them the tools and knowledge that is required to keep themselves and each other safe from harm. Pupils are taught about safeguarding in school. Pupils are provided the opportunity to discuss issues and barriers during circle time. Every pupil recieves PSHE lessons where subjects are specifically targeted. The curriculum is also enhanced by the organisation of workshops, themed weeks, information days and external resourcing.

The following areas are among those addressed in PSHE and in the wider curriculum: 
•Bullying including cyberbullying
•Drugs, alcohol and substance abuse 
•Online safety
•Stranger danger
•Fire and water safety
•Road safety
•Domestic abuse
•Healthy relationships and consent
•Establishing links with local community, including PCSO’s & Emergency Services.

NWG is a charity disseminating information to professionals working on the issue of child sexual exploitation and trafficking within the UK. They offer support and advice, provide updates and training, share national developments, raise the profile of CSE and seek to influence the development of national and local policy informed by practice.
GANF are now involved in implementing the campaign in the local area. To support this project, pupils at GANF will be educated about safe and healthy relationships.

For more information please visit

GANF see protecting our pupils from radicalisation or extremism as a priority. We acknowledge that all staff at Foxfields have a duty to prevent young people being draw into terrorism.  We promote the fundamental British Values of Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with different Faiths and Beliefs. These values are threaded into our curriculum, PSHE lessons, British Values lessons, assemblies, and the school culture as a whole. 

Please click here to view the school’s Prevent Risk Assessment. 

For more information please visit

Useful Links

DfE Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024

E-Safety Support for Parents and Carers

CEOP: Understanding the reasons why young people create and share nude or nearly nude images

Report or Remove Information

Lincolnshire County Council – Domestic Abuse Advice

Working Together to Safeguard Children

Lincolnshire County Council – Report a Safeguarding Concern

NSPCC Underwear Rule (PANTS)

NWG: Working together to inform, educate and prevent child exploitation and abuse throughout the UK.

Young Minds: Information to support parents and carers with their child’s behaviour and mental health.

HappyMaps: Resources to support children’s behaviour and mental health

Relate: Support and advice regarding family relationships

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