Classes are grouped as follows:
Semi Formal – Ascot
Formal – St Andrews, Olympia, Henley, Twickenham and Wimbledon
The 14-16 curriculum (Year 9 – 11) is designed to be flexible enough to meet the individual needs of all learners. We ensure this is carried out by the following:
The curriculum is person centred in that all pupils have a bespoke timetable and are offered considerable choice during the planning stage. A range of qualifications are offered and targeted at appropriate levels to include all pupils regardless of ability. The range of qualifications on offer and the number of partners involved in their delivery serves to engage as many pupils as possible both in terms of accredited qualifications and enrichment activities. All pupils have the opportunity to progress through the curriculum and be supported towards achieving established goals.
Pupils from Year 9 to 11 have to undertake the core subjects which are English, Maths, Science, Humanities, ICT, PSD and RSE. Pupils can decide on non-core topics that they would like to study for the next academic year.
List of current options available:
All options are studied alongisde the core subjects; English, Maths, Science, Humanities, ICT, PSD and RSE.
WJEC Sport
WJEC Drama
WJEC Digital Media
AIM Photography
Duke of Edinburgh: Bronze and Silver
Outdoor Education
AIM Hospitality
WJEC Preparation for Work/Customer Service
GCSE Provision
Across the fellowship pupils have the opportunity to access GCSE qualifications if it is deemed appropriate. We offer pupils the opportunity to work towards 5 GCSEs.
Combined Science
Click the button to view an example GCSE Timetable
GCSEsFor further information, please contact our curriculum lead Vicky Chapman – 01476 564957