GANF is part of C.I.T Academies
01476 564 994 (Sandon)      01476 564 957 (Ambergate)

Outdoor Education

A C.I.T Academy school

At Grantham Additional Needs Fellowship (GANF) we want to provide our pupils with the very best care and support. By providing outdoor learning and other extra curricular activities, we can help them achieve their true potential.

Our mission statement is for every second to be Valuable, Inspiring and Personalised.

We have a multitude of outdoor education experiences available that benefit our pupils.

With this in mind, we have produced a guide to explain in more detail, and we hope this answers any questions you may have.

Guide to Outdoor Education – to view the guide, click on the image.

To view a full kit list for Outdoor Education please  click here

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