GANF win Inclusivity Award at Iris Awards!

Ambergate Sports College and Sandon School, who form Grantham Additional Needs Fellowship (GANF), are celebrating at the end of term after winning the Inclusivity Award by Judges Commendation at the Iris Awards, a national event.
The ceremony concluded the Iris World 2020 Conference in Birmingham, underpinning best practice for finance and education in schools.
Two members of C.I.T staff, the Multi-Academy Trust for GANF, were also shortlisted for awards with Rachel Smith recognised in the Payroll Manager of the Year category and Katie Hoskins nominated for School Business Manager of the Year.
GANF cater for pupils between the ages of 3 and 19 with moderate to severe learning difficulties and complex needs. Their pupils’ needs are wide ranging; many are on the autistic spectrum, with others having ADHD and varying degrees of developmental delay, and some with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties.
The reaction on GANF’s social media pages was outstanding with no less than 200 people ‘liking’ the news on Facebook within the first few hours of the announcement!
A huge well done to all of the staff, pupils and parents and carers associated with GANF!