Road to Wimbledon

The pupils in Wimbledon, a 14 -16 class on the Ambergate Campus, wanted to complete their Enrichment focus of helping the community by organising their own sponsored event for FOSA (Friends of Sandon and Ambergate). Wimbledon felt really passionate about doing something that will give back to the pupils of the school.
The pupils agreed on a sponsored virtual walk, bike and row the distance from Ambergate Campus to Wimbledon Centre Court – 190km. They completed this on Friday 15th December 2023 between 9am and 3pm. The pupils kept themselves committed to continuously doing this throughout the whole day and someone was always moving.
Their spirits were extremely high and they thrived at the challenge. Although there were times when some pupils hit walls of tiredness and muscle soreness, they kept powering on in order to see what they could achieve. Miss Hudson PE Teacher said, “I am beyond proud of the commitment to this challenge, and their ability to keep each other and themselves motivated. This challenge was all their idea, and they should be very proud of themselves”.
On the day not only did they complete the distance of 190kms, they challenged themselves further and managed to complete 311kms! An incredible achievement and it has inspired other pupils around the school to do something similar. The pupils raised around £150 for FOSA which all goes directly to the pupils at GANF. Well done Wimbledon!